Did you know that your previous work experience or formal or informal learning could lessen the time you take to complete your studies? When you apply to study at IHM, we will assess and grant you credit and recognise your work, formal or informal learning.
RPL can allow you to obtain credit for a unit by recognizing your prior study or learning so long as the knowledge, skills and learning outcomes of the unit are met. IHM will consider any higher education and/or informal learning. RPL can save you time and money!
RPL acknowledges that people learn in many different ways and learning is obtained in different situations:
L – Portfolio is a collection of work, skills and interests (evidence) in an electronic format that showcases learning and experience over time.
When you think about your L-Portfolio and the types of evidence that it contains, it is important to think carefully about its purpose and intended audience.
Your L-Portfolio may contain all or some of the following:
Our RPL tool is in the form of an L-Portfolio and allows students to put on record all their life experiences, interests and skills. Not only will their academic achievement be listed out, but also any life experiences that could potentially be taken into account for extra credit as Recognition of Prior Learning. For instance, an individual who has taken care of his or her bedridden parent has already gained valuable caregiver experience, which could be chalked up against practical expertise and added to their resume.
This L-Portfolio could be sent to employers when applying for work, to universities while applying for extra credits through RPL, or in any other ways to market their expertise.
These L-Portfolios are used as a way to demonstrate (showcase) the highlights of a student’s academic and professional career.
These portfolios are typically created by a student as part of a course as a way to demonstrate learning and the learning process. These portfolios are often shared with other students to elicit peer feedback. Learning portfolios support the idea of formative feedback as an essential part of the learning process.
For more information visit: here.
RPL enables IHM students to move between courses, qualifications, and higher education institutions.
International students can request an RPL assessment on the international application for undergraduate or postgraduate admission form.
Note:-International students are not eligible for transferring into an IHM course if they have not yet completed 6 months of their principle course of study with another Higher Education provider, as stated on their Certificate of Enrolment.
Supporting documents that provide evidence of your learning outcomes will get you the credit you deserve.
The student who meets IHM’s entry requirements completes the Credit Transfer Form/ Recognition of Prior Learning Form and submits it either electronically or in a hard copy along with copies of official transcripts and relevant supporting documentation* to the IHM Admissions department.
Documentation must include:
IHM reserves the right to request certified copies or original versions of documents.
If the documents are in a language other than English, English translations of all documents certified by a National Association of Accredited Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) accredited translator or though the legal translation officer or a Notary public.
The following documents are required to support your application for non-formal learning credit:
When you decide that IHM is where you want to study, you can transfer easily. Through RPL we can recognise units you completed.
IHM may grant a maximum credit of 50 % of the total credit points for studies that have been completed at IHM or at an external institution for any course or discipline. Note that there may be limitations as a result of professional accreditation requirements.
Assessment and decisions to grant credit must be
Credit will not be granted if credit will:
Credit will not be granted:
The IHM Credit and RPL Policy is guided by the following Principles:
When completion of a lower-level course meets the entry requirements for a higher-level course or enables graduates of the lower-level course to enter the higher-level course with a standard grant of credit.
A formal agreement between the University and another institution, for articulation between courses of the two institutions.
A formally approved/accredited program of learning that leads to the award of a qualification.
Awarding credit towards one qualification based on a student having completed a course, or components of a course, or other formal learning that is demonstrably equivalent to an IHM course.
Takes place through a structured course of study that leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification.
The expression of the set of knowledge, skills and the application a student has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of learning.
Is gained through work, social, family, hobbies, or leisure activities and experiences and it is not organised or externally structured in terms of objectives, time, or learning support.
Takes place through a structured course of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification. Examples include training in the workplace, voluntary work, or community work.
A process of evaluating a student’s prior learning (formal, informal, non-formal learning) to determine its equivalence to, and therefore the amount of credit that may be granted towards their course of study.
A Unit of Study relates to a single component of a course/qualification, or a stand-alone unit, that has been approved/accredited.
Units are the component parts of accredited courses (this includes HE, Non-Award Courses) that are designed as discrete entities but also complement other Units to form a coherent course of study that leads to the learning outcomes of an award course. Each Unit has a distinct set of learning outcomes the achievement of which are measured through appropriate assessment tasks.
See the IHM Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure for further details that include the following:
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